Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Countdown Begins!

So, I submitted my essay yesterday to the Art Institute. I'm nervous. Oh yeah! Here is what I wrote for my essay. It was 150 word limit on how the Art Institute could help me reach my goals:

"...No warrior goes into battle without armor and sword; no cartographer lays out his creation without first scoping the land to set his course. It takes unique strategy and edge of preparedness to reach ones goals. One must be properly equipped for the task, bearing discipline, focus, and drive.

At the Art Institute, I will have the opportunity for success in achieving my goal of becoming a world-renowned chef. The Art Institute’s Culinary Arts program provides its students with small classes which allow for individual instruction catered to each student’s creative culinary development. Additionally, with hands on experience, collaborative curriculums, and fervent instruction from faculty and staff, I will be able to pursue my passion for food with the preparedness and edge I need to stand out in a crowd. Through abundant resources, careful planning, and guidance at the Art Institute, my exciting journey to culinary excellence is victory bound!..."

Keep those little fingers crossed! I will get back to you as soon as I know!
You have just read Part 2- "The Making of a Chef - Phase 1: The Essay"

Back To The Drawing Board

Arg, okay - so not able to happen just yet. I'll have to postpone the dinner. Good thing is, I was able to do that before I had to pay for anything. I plan to have it later in the year.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Drum Roll Please! (Opening credits - "The Making of a Chef")

Today (the last couple of days actually) have been completely crazy! One semi-disaster after another but all's well that ends well. (is that the right phrase?) Today started out super crazy and chaotic but ended on a light and exciting note.

Sound the drum roll.....da da da daaaaa! I've begun the enrollment process to the Culinary Arts program at the Art Institute! I went there, talked to the admissions counselor, got the tour, even showed him my blog!!! (**blushing**) I know that must've been bold but I was so excited. I've got a lot to do but the process has started. I've got the ball rolling.

Okay so I was supposed to be at work today...Life happened yet again and my poor husband had to be admitted to the hospital. So there I was, ran off to drop my daughter off at school, but since I didn't want to be home alone, I went to a workshop instead of going in to work (which I would've only been able to work like two hours because by the time I got to work through traffic, it would've been time to go and pick up my daughter from school - waste of gas, energy and time - I mean not to work but you get the point). Downtown during the day, parking prices are RIDICULOUS but the class was SO worth it. I got some networking info and learned a lot of information. I randomly decided last minute to go to this workshop on as a walk-in, paid the walk-in fee and learned about how to open a restaurant from concept to opening the doors!!! (How awesome is that?!?!?!) The instructor is a very successful restaurant owner and gave a lot of personal experience scenarios as well as his professional opinion with the help of some experts in accounting and lease and legal expertise. I was so glad I went.

The creme of the day, however, for me was definitely registering for school. I have an essay to write (which I don't know if I'll be able to post but if I get permission I definitely will), I have to request my transcripts (which I will fax tomorrow if possible) and my tax info (ugh the dreaded tax stuff it kills me). After all that I still have to wait for a letter of acceptance (or rejection) in the mail.

Everyone keep your fingers crossed! I can't imagine that they'll say no, but just in case they do...hmmm a plan 'b' ?..::sigh::.. Back to the drawing board to start from scratch.

Form me out of the dirt and breathe life I say! [enter Frankenstein music here] - LOL

I don't think that will stop me (I mean it won't crush my dreams of wanting to be a Chef - there's more than one way to skin a cat and if at first you don't succeed...find someone who has and ask them!). For now I'll just set my sights on getting in (with God's favor). :P

Updates coming soon! I appreciate you sharing this AMAZING journey with me!

You have just read Part 1 - "The Making of a Chef - Phase 1: The Application"

Monday, February 2, 2009

Coming Up...

Okay - I've been missing a couple of weeks yes? Life's got a lot going on but coming up next, here's what we have:

Shrimp Parmesan Fettuccini
Banana Walnut Bread Pudding with Buttery Rum Sauce



Oh also - this is part of the reason I've been planning! I'm catering a benefit dinner (LOL is it wrong to say it's benefitting me?....ahemmm...I mean...) for my husband who is trying to raise tuition to seminary and to launch (well kinda) my catering services and get my name out there. I will be working with an experienced caterer for the event and possibly talking to him about doing some of my dishes so I can get out and socialize while I'm serving the guests.

I'm REALLY excited. It will be family and friends mostly but a lot of people nonetheless and we get to dress all jazzy and what not. I'm going with a 40's theme for my flare. We'll see how it all turns out but I will be sure to post pictures of the event so you all can see what God does with my hands for His glory! I'm praying everyone will love the food and music and just have a great time. I'm also using this (the event and pictures/dishes from it) to keep a running "chef-olio" of my work before I even get into school. So everyone keep your fingers crossed!!! I'm looking to make my b-line here soon unless the Lord does something else!

Love ya!