Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Drum Roll Please! (Opening credits - "The Making of a Chef")

Today (the last couple of days actually) have been completely crazy! One semi-disaster after another but all's well that ends well. (is that the right phrase?) Today started out super crazy and chaotic but ended on a light and exciting note.

Sound the drum roll.....da da da daaaaa! I've begun the enrollment process to the Culinary Arts program at the Art Institute! I went there, talked to the admissions counselor, got the tour, even showed him my blog!!! (**blushing**) I know that must've been bold but I was so excited. I've got a lot to do but the process has started. I've got the ball rolling.

Okay so I was supposed to be at work today...Life happened yet again and my poor husband had to be admitted to the hospital. So there I was, ran off to drop my daughter off at school, but since I didn't want to be home alone, I went to a workshop instead of going in to work (which I would've only been able to work like two hours because by the time I got to work through traffic, it would've been time to go and pick up my daughter from school - waste of gas, energy and time - I mean not to work but you get the point). Downtown during the day, parking prices are RIDICULOUS but the class was SO worth it. I got some networking info and learned a lot of information. I randomly decided last minute to go to this workshop on as a walk-in, paid the walk-in fee and learned about how to open a restaurant from concept to opening the doors!!! (How awesome is that?!?!?!) The instructor is a very successful restaurant owner and gave a lot of personal experience scenarios as well as his professional opinion with the help of some experts in accounting and lease and legal expertise. I was so glad I went.

The creme of the day, however, for me was definitely registering for school. I have an essay to write (which I don't know if I'll be able to post but if I get permission I definitely will), I have to request my transcripts (which I will fax tomorrow if possible) and my tax info (ugh the dreaded tax stuff it kills me). After all that I still have to wait for a letter of acceptance (or rejection) in the mail.

Everyone keep your fingers crossed! I can't imagine that they'll say no, but just in case they do...hmmm a plan 'b' ?..::sigh::.. Back to the drawing board to start from scratch.

Form me out of the dirt and breathe life I say! [enter Frankenstein music here] - LOL

I don't think that will stop me (I mean it won't crush my dreams of wanting to be a Chef - there's more than one way to skin a cat and if at first you don't succeed...find someone who has and ask them!). For now I'll just set my sights on getting in (with God's favor). :P

Updates coming soon! I appreciate you sharing this AMAZING journey with me!

You have just read Part 1 - "The Making of a Chef - Phase 1: The Application"

1 comment:

mrs.deno said...

Hello Delightful Chef!!! I just read your blog and I just want you to know that I am excited and praying with you for that ACCEPTANCE letter!!!!! You are an AWESOME Chef and I can't wait to eat up your restaurant!! I am also keeping the husband in prayer. Stay strong and in prayer. I love you and it won't be long before I visit your site so keep those DELIGHTFULLY DELICIOUS recipes coming!!!!